Q: Just to clarify... this is the *original* inked drawing. The pencils were scanned to (non-print) blue lines, you inked over that, and then scanned the result - this is what you inked *before* you scanned it to be sent to Marvel. In other words, this is not a print-out, this contains the original ink that you used. Correct? May-10-07
A: Absolutely. My ink from my brush is on this paper.
Q: Hey there I have a question that I probably should've asked before I bid. You say that this is the "ink art" is this cover a photostat that you inked over? I'm just curious and any help you can give will be appreciated. Thanks Mike May-09-07
A: Mike: For the past 7(!) years, all art I have inked has been over blue-line print-outs. That means the pencils have been scanned into a computer, converted to non-repro blue, then printed out on 100% rag paper. This print-out is what I ink, and those inks are the art that the comic is printed from. Ringo gets to keep all his pencils; I get to keep all the inks. There are a number of technical reasons why it's an easier, smarter way to work, but primarily (for the Big Companies) it comes down to cost (no FedEx bills-- a HUGE savings for them) and speed (Marvel can have an inked cover in their hands, electronically, maybe six hours after the penciler finishes drawing it). More and more comic art is being produced this way-- this is the future and it's here to stay, man! Hope that explains things for you. Thanks for looking! --Karl
Q: Hi, What is the size of this page? 11x19? 8x10? based on your listing, it is a copy of the pencils that were used to ink the page, correct? Thanx in advance. Regards, Mark May-07-07
A: The page is 11x17 inches. Mike's pencils were scanned into a computer, converted to non-repro blue line, then top-lined with the title and issue number, and printed out on 100% rag paper to be inked (by myself!). You may notice that the title on the art is "Spider-man/Fantastic Four: The New Silver Age." That full title does not appear on the printed comic, but that's what the writer, Jeff Parker (whom I share studio space with), was thinking of calling the mini-series at the time. Thanks for looking! --Kar
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