miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Jeffrey Jones grave

"I thought I'd let you folks know that Jeffrey Jones isn't doing well at all and is likely to leave us before the end of the week. He's asleep, according to the folks that emailed me, and comfortable in a home with friends and family close.


Que decir...


"My long time friend Jeffrey Jones died this morning.

He was suffering from severe emphysema and bronchitis as well as
hardening of the arteries around the heart. He had a no resuscitation
order. He was weak from from being severely under weight and had no
reserves with which to fight.

He was not aware of his surroundings while I was with him in the
hospital yesterday nor the home he was moved to in order to receive
hospice care. I said my goodbyes last night.

In accord with his wishes he will be cremated.

With a heavy heart,
Robert Wiener"

Descanse en paz.

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